September is Healthy Aging Month and healthy eating can actually have a great impact on prolonging health long into the Golden Years. Using food as medicine and prevention, wellness enthusiasts can live their fullest and healthiest lives now and well into the future. Koibito Poke offers some tips on what to fuel up with for health!
Vitamin C — This super nutrient can help the body’s enzymes make collagen, which helps regenerate skin cells, reduce wrinkles and combat skin damage. Everyone knows oranges are a great source of vitamin C, as are other citrus as well as strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, broccoli and red and green peppers.
Nuts — Nuts have gotten a bad rap in the past for being high in calories… but a little goes a long way — in flavor and in health! A variety of nuts are healthy for the body in many different ways. For example, walnuts are credited for being “heart heroes” as they have been shown to help people lower total cholesterol (especially LDL, the “bad cholesterol”) and maintain a healthy blood pressure. Walnuts also contain anti-inflammatory phytochemicals that can help people prolong their cognitive health.
Beans and Legumes — Great sources of plant-based protein, beans and legumes can help reduce the risk of major chronic diseases and certain cancers. They also promote long-term health, help stabilize blood sugar, and help maintain a healthy weight with age. Due to their high-fiber content, they also aid in gut health. Consider adding beans and legumes to a meal in place of (or along with) animal-protein along with a good helping of veggies.
Herbs and Spices — Herbs and spices help naturally kick up the flavor of everything from protein to veggies, but they also have some great health and healing properties. Ginger can help soothe nausea and also serves as an anti-inflammatory. Turmeric is also an anti-inflammatory that reduces pain and improves memory. Get creative with herbs and spices. Fresh herbs do wonders for adding flavor to water or sipping broth in addition to marinades and salad dressings. They are also gorgeous garnishes sprinkled on a fancy meal or an everyday dish.
Seafood — Many types of wild fish and seafood offer a wide array of health benefits for the whole body from brain development and mental health to immunity and the risk of heart disease, depression and dementia. Seafood and fish also contain anti-inflammatory properties and a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Think salmon, mackerel, tuna and even mollusks like oysters. Fish and seafood is a great choice for a healthy dinner served with roasted vegetables or a salad.
Koibito Poke is constantly focused on creating opportunities for its guests to enjoy a clean, healthy whole food meal with every visit. With so many fresh and hand-selected choices, diners can eat healthy while enjoying a flavorful, nutrition-packed and totally customized bowl.