With another new year rapidly approaching there is no need to feel pressure to become a totally “new you” at the stroke of midnight. In fact, the sheer number of resolutions that people make and the amount of pressure they feel to transform themselves in the New Year are two of the biggest reasons why people abandon their New Year aspirations by February. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Koibito Poke believes in healthy, and realistic, resolutions that people can actually (and will want to!) stick to! Here are a few suggestions for making healthy and realistic resolutions for 2023.
Don’t Go Cold Turkey — Few people are those “all or nothing” types that can actually quit something cold turkey. For that group, go for it! For the rest, baby steps toward a goal are actually much more attainable and not as overwhelming. For example, those that want to clean up their approach to nutrition may start by slowing eliminating one unhealthy thing at a time, such as one less soda or coffee a day, and adding one healthy habit/item at a time such as a salad or protein-packed bowl at lunchtime versus a burger and fries.
Set Clear Mini Goals — There is nothing wrong with setting big, beautiful audacious goals. Why not each for the stars, right? But the distance from here to there can also seem vast and perhaps will become the reason people become overwhelmed on the path to get there. So in between here and that giant goal, build in some mini benchmarks that can be reached and celebrated along the way. For example, those that want to become a regular gym goer six or seven days a week, might start with going just two to three days a week and then building from there. Putting those goals out on paper and creating a clear road map or schedule can help people stay accountable to their aspirations.
Don’t Let a Detour Derail the Resolution — Even the best-laid plans sometimes have unexpected bumps in the road. Remember there are many routes to get to the same destination. So even if something sets the goal off track, it can still be achieved! Don’t let a small detour be the reason for giving up on a big goal. Stay dedicated and motivated to see it through. In short: don’t give up!
Believe in the Dream — When the going gets tough, it’s easy to throw in the towel. But hold up! Before doing so, look back at all the progress that has been made. And remember why the resolution was made in the first place. Those looking for change in any way are going to face some challenges. There will be days that they don’t want to do the things they need to do to see change. But that’s where people need to really look themselves in the mirror and believe that they can do those hard things. The dream lives for a reason and it’s okay to work hard to get it… even on days where it feels especially difficult. Believing in oneself can help them persevere and achieve their biggest dreams. Hang in there and keep going!
Koibito Poke wishes its customers and staff a very Happy New Year! Stay safe out there and remember that those 2023 resolutions can be achieve at one’s own pace… just keep moving towards those goals!